The below checklist and components are for the JD program application only. 有关考试考试的其他常见问题, 博彩平台推荐如何评估申请, 奖学金机会和更多详情请参阅博彩平台推荐的 常见问题的网站.



  1. 注册 the Law School Admission Council (LSAC) 证书组装服务(CAS) 并支付所有适当的费用
  2. 注册,准备,并参加法学院入学考试(考试)
  3. 提交所有官方文件 LSAC的本科和研究生成绩单
  4. 提交 两封给LSAC的推荐信
  5. 提交 your application, personal statement and 重新开始 electronically through LSAC
  6. 提交 州内学费分类申请 如果你认为你有资格申请州内学费. Even if you are already a 科罗拉多州 resident you must submit this form to show documentation of your 科罗拉多州 residency.
  7. 支付65美元的申请费
  8. 检查 您的在线申请状态

法学院入学委员会提供了额外的资源 浏览申请流程.


Our application will open on October 1 for fall admission the following year. All applicants must apply electronically through the Law School Admission Council (LSAC). We admit students on a rolling basis until the application closes April 1.

We require a 重新开始 to be submitted electronically through LSAC as part of your electronic application. We do not require any specific formatting; however, 博彩平台推荐建议你花充足的时间准备一个精心组织的, 易于阅读的简历.

The personal statement requirement provides you an opportunity to present yourself to the 招生 Committee. 它将与您的电子LSAC申请一起提交. 个人陈述提示如下. Your essay must be in your own words, double-spaced, and should not exceed 1,000 words. Supported file formats include: doc, htm, html, txt, PDF, wp, wpd, rtf, wps, wpt and docx.

在科罗拉多法学院, 博彩平台推荐的核心价值观, 多样性, 领导, and commitment to service guide our mission to provide students with an exceptional legal 教育 and prepare them to serve wisely and with professionalism. Our faculty and students advance the development of the legal profession through scholarship, 挑战现状, 以有意义的公共服务为社会做出贡献.

Please write a personal statement explaining how you will positively exemplify the values of 科罗拉多州的法律 in the classroom and beyond. You may also discuss any other factors that you think may assist the Admission Committee's evaluation of your application, such as: background information; experiences, talents or special 利益; adversities you have overcome; and your reasons for applying to the 科罗拉多大学法学院.

个人陈述是博彩平台推荐了解你的一个机会. Be authentic and share information about yourself that is not available in other components of your application (without restating your 重新开始). 博彩平台推荐也在寻找你能有效沟通的证据. 一定要写得清晰简洁, 特别注意避免拼写错误, 语法问题, 还有其他错误.

可选陈述应该包括你的经历, background, or perspectives could contribute to the 多样性 and inclusivity of our law school community.

你可以分享你身份的任何方面, 教养, 生活经历, 工作, 教育, 利益, or values that would make our student body more vibrant and reflective of a wide range of viewpoints and walks of life. This could include discussing any economic disadvantages or other adversities that you have overcome, 充满挑战的家庭环境, 你有独特的才能或观点, or any other details about your personal story that would further our mission of training thoughtful, 富有同情心的, 以及来自不同背景的成功律师.

You do not need to talk about information you included in your personal statement. This additional statement is an opportunity for you to share more information about yourself that doesn't appear elsewhere. Your optional statement must be in your own words, double-spaced, and not exceed 500 words.

在个人陈述之后附上电子附件. 在文件的顶部清楚地标明“附加信息”."

所有申请者必须参加法学院入学考试. 请参阅博彩平台推荐的 考试常见问题 了解更多信息. 

你必须注册 证书组装服务(CAS) 作为LSAC申请的一部分. Applicants must submit all post-high-school institution transcripts directly to LSAC. This obviates the need for applicants to submit transcripts to every law school to which they apply.

CAS向博彩平台推荐提供您的法学院报告, 包含考试分数的网站, 推荐信, 按年划分的本科生成绩摘要, 累积平均绩点, 以及所有笔录的副本.

We require two 推荐信 and we will not accept more than four. We strongly recommend that one letter of recommendation come from an academic source.

For additional information and commonly asked questions, please see our 性格健身网站.

All applicants who wish to qualify for in-state tuition must submit the 州内学费分类申请. Even if you are already a 科罗拉多州 resident you must submit this form to show documentation of your 科罗拉多州 residency. 有关更多信息,请参阅博彩平台推荐的 居住权的网站.


When does the application open and close for the fall 2024 entering JD class at 科罗拉多州的法律?

博彩平台推荐的申请将于2024年10月1日开放,可在 We admit students on a rolling basis until the application closes April 1, 2025.


博彩平台推荐没有一个早期决定或早期行动的过程. We admit students on a rolling basis until the application deadline, or until our class is full.

你们学校每年收到多少份申请? 通常有多少学生入学?

We received nearly 2,900 applications for admission to the 2024 entering class. 博彩平台推荐通常每年秋季学期招收160-180名新生. 博彩平台推荐的秋天2024 输入类数据 更详细地概述了类的人口统计.


Each year, the 招生 Committee selects a handful of applicants to interview. This is an internal process, and you will be contacted directly if we want to conduct an interview.


The 招生 Committee begins reviewing completed applications in mid-October. We notify applicants by email regarding the Committee's decision on a rolling basis. 


We establish a waitlist beginning in the fall and notify those who are listed. 候补名单没有排名. 等候名单会根据需要定期审查. 如果决定有任何变化,申请人将被通知.


博彩平台推荐根据具体情况批准延期付款, 特别是对现役军人来说, 为美国而教, 和和平队服务. Admitted applicants who need to defer their entrance into 科罗拉多州的法律 should email the Director of 招生 at 艾伦  讨论他们的处境. 


Applicants who decline an offer of admission or were not offered admission may reapply through LSAC. 您的重新申请应包括:提交新的申请, 申请费, 有效的法学院入学考试和最新的法学院成绩单, 个人论文, 和建议. Your retained application and all supporting documents will be included in your new application for admission, 但博彩平台推荐建议你用一篇新的论文更新你的申请, 重新开始, 以及推荐信.